Monday, March 23, 2009

Writing Courteously

In the business field, writing courteously to your employees, executives, co-workers and customers is very vital. Aggressive writings may cause lots of unnecessary problems for you and your organization. Throughout this post, I will elaborate on a few tips for courteous writing in certain professional situations.

Whenever you are in a business setting, time is money. Therefore, to be courteous of your recipient's time, use the K-I-S-S method. K-I-S-S stands for keep it short and sweet. For all of your messages, you should always be clear and concise. Straight and to the point works in all situations.

Always address your writings in a business manner. Use Mr., Mrs., or Ms. when you know exactly who your reader is. If you are addressing another business, it is safe to use the reader's job title like "ATTN: Director of Marketing".

Respond to your questions as soon as possible. By responding quickly, your business partner has the information and makes business decisions run a lot smoother.

In conclusion, always close out your writings in a sincere and business manner. Always leave your reader with goodwill, even if you are refusing a proposal or any other negative form of writing. Respect in the business field is very important and appreciated.

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  1. Cedric, i like how you gave the tip of using the K-I-S-S method, its easy to lose track of what you are wrtitng about as well as keeping to the point and if everyone remembers to keep it short and sweet they will be better off. I think that a lot more detail and more examples could be added to this post, but overall good job. Don't forget to add your name into the title of your blog post so everyone knows you wrote it!!!

  2. Way to get the blog posted on time Cedric. That was fast. Maybe too fast though. You don't really have any graphics, videos, or other visual aids. These aspects are a must not only because they make your blog look interesting and cool, but because people learn with thier eyes and ears just as much, if not more than they do by reading material. Posting was informative, good work.

  3. Yes, it is extremely important to have that respect for the reader. That's why that last C (courteous) is so vital.
