Thursday, April 16, 2009

The Power of List Writing(Schindler's List) by George Erkvania

A word after a word after a word is power”-Margaret Atwood. Everyday we wake up we make a list, list of the things that is important for us.

A list helps anybody to organize and plan their everyday lives. Lists help save time because we gather our thoughts in some kind of order.

Later, we realize that piece of paper with list of duties on it has undeniable power on one's particular day. Power of the list writing is what makes us more punctual, more reliable and successful.

However, the one particular list that I want to talk about in this post did not make people better, or made them more organized or reliable. This list saved hundred people’s lives.

“It saved 801 men from gas chambers-it’s incredibly moving piece of history”- Library co-curator Olwen Pryke said. The document was found in Library in Sydney.
Schindler’s list consists of thirteen pages of fragile, yellow paper, in which are typed the names and nationalities of 801 Jewish people. The list of Jewish names were put together in order being described as one of the most powerful documents of the 20th century.

Only a life lived for other is a life worthwhile” – Albert Einstein. Oscar Schindler is the man who could proudly say that his life was worthwhile.

“Schindler’s list is a story of the remarkable man, a card-carrying Nazi, who outwitted SS and Hitler to save more Jews from the gas chambers than any other during the World War ll"( .

The list was typed on 18 April 1945, in closing years of the War.

“Whoever saves one life.. saves the world entire”- Power of the list written by Oscar Schindler saved 801 Jews. Today there are more than 8,000 descendents of the Schindler-Jews living in Europe, Israel and US.

References: The Holocaust; Crimes, Heroes and villains website. (2008-2010) Retrieved on April 16, 2009.

How to Overcome Writer's Block by Megan Clipse

How many times have you ever came across that feeling when you are about to start writing and all of the sudden it hits you....what am I going to say? Where do I start? And then you freeze! Today this is referred to as one of the most prevailing 'diseases' amongst writers of all ages, genders, and educational levels: Writer's Block! Although the symptoms are temporarily debilitating there are some quick and easy cures to rid yourself of this common fret. Below is a list of 'diagnoses and cures'.

Writer's Block 101

Symptom #1 You have come across a last minute paper and wish to write it without any preliminary outlining or brainstorming.

  • Cure-Jot down your primary ideas and connect them with smaller thoughts. This will also help you create a working outline as it is easily convertible and will give you a starting point to the paper.

Symptom #2 Boring, boring, boring! The topic you have to write about has no interest to you what so ever.

  • Cure-Learn to personalize the topic more towards your liking. If possible interlink it to something you enjoy and the writing will flow much easier.

Symptom #3 You are in a rush and deep down really do not want to spend the time to write.

  • Cure-Give in to the idea that you absolutely must write this assignment either way.

Symptom #4 You are anxious to get started

  • Cure-Develop rituals and success strategies to relax nerves. Examples are chewing gum, listening to music, etc.
  • Focus your energy to the task at hand!

Symptom #5 What most college students feel at one point or another----STRESS!

  • Cure- Just BREATHE! Take a moment to stop, stretch, and focus your breathing to calm yourself. Think of calming thoughts so as to not get even more worked up over the writing.

For more general tips and strategies for Writer's Block you should check out this site:


The OWL at Purdue (1995-2009). Writer's Block/Writer's Anxiety. Symptoms and Cures for Writer's Block. Retrieved April 17, 2009 from: (2009) How to Overcome Procrastination and Writer's Block. Retrieved April 17, 2009 from:

How to Use Parallel Sentences Effectively by Andrew Kam

Parallel sentences - a technical term in professional writing that is usually unfamiliar to the average reader. What exactly are parallel sentences anyway? We read them very often in various publications, but rarely do we take notice of such nuances in the structure of sentences. However, this tool in professional writing distinguishes between effective communication, and haphazard communication.

According to Purdue University's online Owl professional writing website definition, a "parallel sentence means using the same pattern of words to show that two or more ideas have the same level of importance. This can happen at the word, phrase, or clause level. The usual way to join parallel structures is with the use of coordinating conjunctions such as "and" or "or.""

Let me give you a few examples to illustrate my point.

“The British Museum is a wonderful place to see ancient Egyptian art, you can explore African artifacts, and beautiful find textiles from around the world.”

This sentence sounds jerky and out of balance, doesn’t it? That’s because the phrases are not parallel. Now read this:

“The British Museum is a wonderful place where you can find ancient Egyptian art, explore African artifacts, and discover beautiful textiles from around the world.”

Notice that each phrase has a verb and a direct object. Parallelism is necessary when a series of words, thoughts, or ideas appears in one sentence. If you encounter a sentence that just sounds wrong or clunky, look for conjunctions like and, or, but, and yet to determine whether the sentence is off balance.

Below is a video that shows you how to construct a correct parallel sentence.

Fleming, Grace. "Parallel Sentences and Phrases." Homework / Study Tips.
Driscoll, Dana L. "Parallel Structure." The Owl at Purdue. Purdue University.

Monday, April 13, 2009

How to Ask for a Promotion by Matt O'Shaughnessy

"Ask and you shall recieve." Isn't that how it works in the business world, don't we all wish. But asking for things you want certainly doesn't hurt. Too often people think of their boss as super-human, a mythical being who lives in a big office upstairs. You have to remind yourself that your boss is a human just like you are and may have been in your same postion in the past. Here are some helpful hints.

Don’t Suck Up
Baking your boss cookies or bringing him his morning coffee will most likely hurt your chances for a promotion. This may also effect you reltionship with co-workers. The best way is to just work really hard, baked goods may not get you a promotion but having that report done early will definately help.

Request a Private Meeting
At the end of the day, infront of the whole office is not the best way to ask for a promotion. Request a private meeting with your boss to discuss your position in the company. You don't have to bring up the topic of promotion right away you can simply talk about how your enjoying your job and wanted to know about advancement possibilities.

Ask nicely
When you do get your private meeting, don't waste your boss's time by beating around the bush. Explain how you are ready for more respnsibilities and are hoping for an advancement. Tell your boss how you are more than willing to undergo any training procedures that may be needed. Don't be pushy, wait untill you can gauge your boss's reaction before you start getting specific about job titles and salary.

Works Cited:
Thompson, Steve. "How To Ask For A Promotion." 22 November 2009. 13 April 2009.

How to write an Annual Report by George Erkvania

At the end of every fiscal period businesses prepare annual report.

An annual report is reflection of company's financial performance and operations for the year.

Publicly traded companies make annual reports to tell shareholders, prospective investors and customers, how business is functioning and progressing.

There are eight steps for creating annual report in accounting:

"Step 1

Know that the 10-K annual report that public companies file with the Securities and Exchange Commission is different from the less formal - and glossier - annual report mailed to shareholders.

Break the report into five sections: financial summary; letter to shareholders; company operations and significant developments; financial statement and tables; and information about officers and directors.

Write the financial summary. This narrative generally covers revenue, net income and earnings per share data. Typically it includes three years' worth of data.

Include the letter to shareholders. Here, the chief executive officer or chairman makes a formal statement about company performance.

Compose a series of articles about operations and significant developments. You might discuss changes in production, new products, entry into new markets, mergers and acquisitions, research and development, changes in marketing and sales, and other news. Many companies include color photos.

Write the financial statement. This section consists largely of tables showing revenue, expenses and earnings data in detail. This is the heart of the report, though it usually appears at the rear of the publication.

Include summary information about officers and directors. Photos usually accompany this section.

Ask company attorneys and accountants to review the document to ensure accuracy and regulatory compliance." (

I am personally majoring in the Business management and it's been a big challange for me to study an accounting. Sometimes it felt like i was studying totally new lenguage with undiscovered new terms and new symbols; however, every business major student understands that the importance of the accounting in business is vital..

References: Business & Finance , eHow website 1999-2009. Retrieved on April12, 2009


Promoting a New Business Strategy By Cedric Cummings

Innovation is a way of improving an already great sytem to make more efficient cost and to gain more profit. Innovation is something that drives our economy. With that in mind, it should not deter you away from approaching your supervisor with one of these ideas. Though, if approached the wrong way, this could backfire if not done correctly. Here are a few tips on promoting this new idea:

Get your facts straight: Though you may be totally on board with your new plan, you have to prove to your management that this is the way to go. To do that, you need to know exactly how things are being run now. Learn all you can about the current status of the business before trying to change it. You have to look at it from every aspect to make sure that you are in fact improving and may not hurt the business.

Get in Touch with your Management: Do not come out of the blue with a new business strategy when your boss has no clue that you were even thinking abput it. Either send a memo, email letting them know about your proposition in moderation and set up an appointment. Be concise and clear with the memo or email so you can go into full details at the appointment.

Promote carefully: Once you are in your one on one, be sure not to down play your current business status. The system you are in now has to be working, or you wouldn't have a job. Make sure you acknowledge how things are now and explain that you are trying to innovate and build off of what they currently have. DON"T STEP ON TOES!!! Also, do not make it seem like you do not want your job anymore. DO not threaten to give your idea away to a rival company if it isn't implemented. Keep your job.

Goodwill: Even if your new strategy is turned down, you still have to work and coexist woth the same people. Simply thank them for their time and continue doing your job. When the time is roght, they may come back for your strategy or use it with a few adjustments.

Thats just a few tips to help you promote strategies to your boss. This video has tips on promoting new products:

work cited:Citrin, Jim. "How Promoting to Your Boss Promotes to you." 13 Apr. 2009

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Writing an Outline by Jennifer Flowers

Every piece of writing starts off somewhere right? An idea, a quick jot down of facts and subjects? Well no matter what, each and every piece of written work should have started off as an outline. An outline breaks down your thesis in a very clear organized way. Outlines make it much easier to write a document because they have already organized your thoughts into a list which reminds you of the “path” to write.

Outlines are very structured. They consist of a thesis, points and sub points all marked by using roman numerals, letters and numbers.

For Example if I was writing an outline this is how I would set it up:

I. This would be my thesis statement as well as the INTRODUCTION in my paper.

II. First topic (Start of the BODY)
A. Subtopic
B. Subtopic
1. More in depth information on a subtopic

III. Second Topic

IV. CONCLUSION (this should just restate your thesis, not give out new information)

Until all subjects and points are covered that are needed, outlines can be as long as desired.

It is very important that when writing an outline you don't make it wordy and long. Outline topics should be only a few words, and sub points should be the same, maybe a short sentence length. All in all the point of an outline is to be sort, vague and just represent the ideas which will be explained through the paper.

Here are some rules to remember when outlining:

  • Subdivide topics with a system of letters and numbers followed by a period. All subtopics should be indented a little from the last topic so that roman numerals line up, letters line up etc.
  • Each heading and subheading must have at least TWO parts
  • Headings for parts should not be labeled using Conclusion or Introduction
  • Be consistent with your outline, place topics in the order of which you wish to write.

Follow these simple rules and tips and you have yourself a great ouline. Have fun writing your paper. And remember, always stay professional!


Cushman, Marion. " How to Write an Outline." 1 January 2001.

"How to Write an Outline."

How to Avoid Plagiarism by Evan Grant

Just recently, an author of a website that I was using to gain information from boldly accused me of plagiarizing his work. Although I was not found guilty of the accusation, I felt that providing some tips about how to avoid plagiarism would benefit all of us. Hopefully the rest of you don’t run into the same troubles as I did! :)


Whenever you are doing research for a paper be sure to cite every book, website, newspaper article or any other source that you want to use information from. I find the easiest way to write a bibliography is to go to If you type in the unique ISBN number in a book or the URL of the website you used, it will automatically write out a bibliography.

When quoting or paraphrasing, it is important to cite it right afterwards. Simply write the author(s) last name and the page number it is found (if you are using a book) in parenthesis.

For example: (Grant 117)

There will be times when you start a paper and you don’t have previous knowledge of the topic. In this case it is okay to over-cite your information. Don’t worry too much about it looking cluttered because of the parenthesis everywhere. It’s better to be safe than sorry. One way to lessen the amount of parenthetical citations is to figure out which information is common knowledge in the field. You don’t have to cite where you found out that Abraham Lincoln was the 16th president or that smoking causes lung disease. (Procter)

Check out this teacher's parody of "Before He Cheats"

Procter, Margaret. "How Not to Plagiarize." University of Toronto. 12 Apr. 2009

"Avoiding Plagiarism." The Writing Place, Northwestern University's peer tutoring center for writers. 12 Apr. 2009 .

Lunsford, Andrea, and Robert Connors. St. Martin's Handbook. 3rd. ed. New York: St. Martin's Press, 1995.