Sunday, April 5, 2009

Love letters by George Erkvania

To Adele Foucher (1821)

"My dearest, When two souls, which have sought each other for, however long in the throng, have finally found each other ...a union, fiery and pure as they themselves are... begins on earth and continues forever in heaven. This union is love, true love,... a religion, which deifies the loved one, whose life comes from devotion and passion, and for which the greatest sacrifices are the sweetest delights. This is the love which you inspire in me... Your soul is made to love with the purity and passion of angels; but perhaps it can only love another angel, in which case I must tremble with apprehension."

Yours forever,
Victor Hugo

The famouse love story of Great Franch man Victor hugo was published after his death when the yellow packet of time-stained letters were found. Today, those letters are called, "masterpieces of Franch literature."

Ever since the advent of internet and phone texting, the writing of love letters became as rare as dinosaurs. How many of you have ever written and shared your feeling trough the love letters? I am sure not too many people have tried to share their feelings thought honesty and passion that called love letter.

One might not be able to write a poetic love letter like Hugo, Beethoven, Volter, but just knowing and using them as an examples can inspire anybody.

Ludwig van Beethoven (1770-1827), one of history's most famous and mysterious composers died at the age of 57 with one great secret. Upon his death, a love letter was found among his possessions. It was written to an unknown woman who Beethoven simply called his *Immortal Beloved.*

July 6, 1806

"My angel, my all, my very self -- only a few words today and at that with your pencil -- not till tomorrow will my lodgings be definitely determined upon -- what a useless waste of time. Why this deep sorrow where necessity speaks -- can our love endure except through sacrifices -- except through not demanding everything -- can you change it that you are not wholly mine, I not wholly thine? Oh, God! look out into the beauties of nature and comfort yourself with that which must be -- love demands everything and that very justly -- that it is with me so far as you are concerned, and you with me. If we were wholly united you would feel the pain of it as little as I! "

Your faithful, Ludwig

Great example of true love letters are written after the amazing love story of Emma and Joseph Smith:

Reference: Famouse love letters of famouse people website.(2004) Retrieved on April 5,2009



  1. George, great job again! I always look forward to reading your posts, they are very creative and informative at the same time! It was great how you included in the post examples of "classic" love letters. As cheesy as it may sound I remember back before texting, internet, and all these means of elecronic communication became popular, as little kids writing "love" notes rather than letters was a daring thing to do! haha Great job again!

  2. Thanks Megan!! I personally enjoyed writing this one ..I had some other love letters in my mind but i diceided keep it shorter .))

  3. Incredible Job on this one. It was a great all around job. You covered everything on this with information, pictures and a video. Keep up the great work.

  4. Cedric Im glad you liked it !!!Thanks bro

  5. Another interesting blog! Great job! It was very interesting to read and learn about the origins and purposes of love letters, and I think it is a shame that in this day and age there is very few love letters being mailed due to the new technological advances around. Keep up the great work!

  6. haha yeah i dont know a lot of people mailing each other love letters, but i guess text works too))lol But thank you jannifer !!!

  7. George, well done its hard to think of creative blog topics but this was one of the best so far. Keep up the good work.

  8. Lots of research here. I always think of love letter writing personal writing rather than professional writing. Is there a business out there that will help one draft a great love letter. There's a business for you if basketball doesn't work out, right?
    Watch your spelling, George. French, not Franch, etc.

  9. George, you've done it again. Great Post dude. I love all the graphics and the audio/visual. Way to go above and beyond week after week. You make all the deadlines, post more comments, and participate mpre in the forum than any other worker. I wouldn't be surprised if you make blogger of the week this week as well. Keep up the good work. If we win. You will be a huge part of that victory. Thanks

  10. Sheila and Dyncan
    sheila I know thet love letters are personal letters but still using classic love letters as examples can improve and inspire. Thanks !
    Duncan Bro im trying my ass off i need we all do well so we can get those extra points and i think we are on right way.!! starting with your leadership. Lets get it ! Thanks
